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Ana Sayfa | Tasavvuf Akademisyenleri | Tasavvufî Yayınlar | Tasavvuf Dergisi | Konuk Defteri | Fotoğraflar | İletişim | Haberler


ABSTRACT As we examine the history of Islam, the movement of Zuhd-which is eventually called as Sufism- preferring to evade from the political-social upheavals that emerged after the death of his eminence the Prophet and worldly concerns and based upon taqwa (devotion) to exercise religious practices within the framework of Qur'an and Sunnah, emerged by the end of the 2 nd century of hegira (8 th A.D) . Throughout this period, as a result of the interpretations made in the conceptual area,new outputs occurred in the Islamic thought. In this study, we address the Ottoman Turkish translation of "Vesaya"–a chapter of al-Futūḥāt al-Makkīyah by Ibn al-Arabi who made a great deal of contribution for enhancement of the conceptual sphere of Islamic thought and to whom a great importance was attached for his ideas and books by the statesmen who were at high positions throughout the history of Islam especially during the Ottoman Empire- which was prepared to be introduced to the Sultan of the period. We have also endeavored to set forth in this study an example of the importance attached to Ibn al-Arabi and his works by conducting and performing some analysis on the transcription of translation made by İbrahim Efendi who held -in the reign of Ottoman Empire- the post of Sheikh al-Harem which required great competence in both administrative and scientific manner.


Gelişmiş Arama

Hızlı Erişim


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AYDINLI WEB TASARIM --> İrtibat için: aaydinli@gmail.com

Site Yöneticisi: Halil İbrahim Şimşek
